Adding a Handgun Light to a Pistol
Technology that keeps changing. What is you want to add a handgun with light? Sig has been know to change things on their pistols and still call them the same model. Lights for handguns are not new, but the rail they attach to seems to change. The latest issue seems to center around the ever popular P365 series of pistols. The Original P365 was just that a P365. Then came along the P365 XL That version offered an Optics mounting ability and a larger Grip and longer slide. Then the SAS version snuck in there but in limited quantity due to the Sights that a lot of people did not like. The Next version was the P365 X with the 3.1 inch barrel. Just like the Original P365 but with the ability to run Optics on it.
They even changed the markings on the XL version to just X. Are you with me so far? We now have three versions that are stamped P365 X at this point. All different. So make sure that the Version of the holster you need is for your exact model pistol.
Latest version to come out from Sig is the P365 X Macro and the TacOps version. Same larger Grip module, but now a Ported Slide to act as a Compensator. Optics ready and now Sig makes the biggest change. A real 1913 Picatinny Rail as opposed to the Sig Proprietary Rail. This allows Companies like Streamlight to make a better mounting / attachment point for the lights for handguns to attach to the P365 platform, making the use of a handgun light more practical.
Previously the Sig Rail was not very good at attaching lights to it, other than Sig branded lights. However, with a new handgun light, this can be improved.
With the Sig P365 X Macro (Name may change in the future) pistol, we can now use a Streamlight TLR7 Sub light attachment. We like the TLR7 Sub especially since we are running an Optic sighting system. We have no need for a Laser and Light. The addition of a Laser would put two dots off in space confusing us, making it less effective than using a straightforward handgun light.
Streamlight designs these lights to fit many pistols. They include various KEYs that allow for proper attachment to the pistol at the Rail. Make sure to use the correct one. For us on the P365 Macro we use the #4 Key for the TLR7 Sub on the Macro. That is recommended and that is how our holsters are designed. That puts the Light body in the correct placement to interact with our Holster Retention spot exactly.

We find that that is also the best position for the Switches to be engaged by the fingers or thumb, particularly when equipped with a light attachment like a handgun light.
Previous versions of the P365 pistols had to use a Special adapter from Streamlight to mount the lights to the Rail with No Key attached. Not as robust as with a Key installed. A dedicated handgun light, however, fixes this issue.
So in conclusion
If you have a P365 series pistol and want to add a light. Make sure to choose the Light that is designed to go with that pistol. Check the Fitment guides on the manufactures website. Do not buy a light that you cannot get a holster for. Make sure to stay name brand and quality where it counts, especially for a quality handgun light.