1911 IWB Kydex Holster
Designed for concealed carry Our Inside the waistband holster for Springfield, Kimber, Smith and Wesson, Rock Island and other GI Spec 1911. Non Railed. This 1911 IWB Holster is designed to fit many options. We have one 5 inch SA TA with rail. We offer 3 inch models, 3.5 inch 4.25 inch and a 5 inch. All non railed. We now have the 5 inch Railed 1911 also . We have a 3.3 inch Sig 1911 and a 5 inch Sig 1911 Non Railed and 5 inch with Rail.
Choose the correct pistol from the drop down menu. Reminder that a Railed IWB Holster will fit a Railed 1911 and a non railed 1911.
Holster Features
- This holster offers user adjustable retention.
- A zero or 15 degree option for cant We find with a 5 inch model on slender people who want to carry at 3:30 or 4:00 carry on the hip can benefit from having a pair of Soft Loops attachments upgrade instead of the regular clip.
- Available with our Fabric Clip option also.
- The 1911 in all sizes makes a great EDC.
Our 1911 OWB Holster can be found on our site. For Single Stack Magazines for the 1911 check out these Magazine Carriers. For more info on Tips and Techniques follow our Blog.
Video on our Railed version of the 1911.