We lock our doors, we look both ways.  

You practice with your Handguns. We use our equipment and holsters. Now I ask you How safe are we really?  

In this current time frame we are blitzed by the media into thinking everything is fine on one hand and on the other hand it is all doom and gloom.  Who do you believe? The answers may surprise you.

Everybody has their own way of making you think to their wishes.  

It is up to us to make an informed decision. Whose facts are you going to want to believe and whose facts do you not believe. If you did not experience it, can you be 100 percent sure?

Walking to your car in a dimly lit or dark parking lot is a huge concern for some. Yet everyday millions of people do just that. Many of them without incident. But that is the issue for us. Some do experience the darker side of a parking lot experience. That is when you need to be extra prepared. Have a self defense system in place. That feeling of Better to have it and not need it, sits in our brain as a hard and fast rule. Well what has caused all of the Hard and Fast rules to be more prominent lately of being prepared? Nothing! It is the same mindset that human beings have had for quite awhile.

We just happen to be in a 24 hour news cycle lifestyle and connected to the whole world in our hands. So we are more aware of potential danger and issues that may harm us or our family.  

Human beings have always since the beginning of time needed to be able to defend itself.  From the start of life we are challenged by many dangers.  In the beginning parents provide the safety we need.  As we grow, we become the source of protection.  How safe are we?  Concealed Carry Essentials can be found on our Blog.


How you react to the never ending news cycle of violence and danger is very different for each person and their locations.  I have known innocent bystanders who have been shot and I have know killers who have killed.  Terrible on both sides of the spectrum.  Evil exists and how you are prepared to deal with it is why we are here today.   

Quality Kydex Holsters will allow you to have a concealed carry option for your lifestyle.  How you carry is dependent on how you live.  The clothes you wear, the activities you participate in.  We offer quite a few solutions to your concealed carry needs. Mk-Tek Holsters has been producing IWB Holsters for many years now.  Spend your money once and choose wisely.  You may need it.  I would rather have a Bodyguard than nothing.  Proper training to learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones

Threats are always out there, at various levels.  The appropriate reaction from us is threat dependent.  Do not over react, but act appropriately with suitable force so that you have a positive outcome.  

A complete line of holsters can be found on our website MK-Tek Holsters


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